

Mr.Murager Alimuly is a Chinese citizen, his national ID number is #654 221 1994 0325 0417.  Mr.Khaster Musakhanuly is Chinese citizen as well and his national ID number is #654 221 1989 0209 301.
On October 1st, 2019 Mr.Murager Alimuly and Mr.Khaster Musakhanuly  crossed Chinese-Kazakh border at 1am. The   border were near to Kharaemil town, they were crossing the border for 5 days. On October 6th, 2019 they completed crossing the Kazakhstan border and were walking for 2 more days. Then on October 8th, 2019 they took a taxi and went to Almaty city where they arrived on October 10th, 2019.
The reason is why two ethnic Kazakhs with Chinese citizenship illegally crossed  the Kazakhstan border is:
On March 3rd, 2013 in ile Kazakh autonomus region(west China), Chinese police of Dorbilzhin district made a false claim on Mr.Khaster Musakhanuly and locked him up for 3 days, he were tied up with a chain to a metal chair and were beaten and tortured by electrical shock on the mouth.
He were beaten non stop for 2 hours and he were unconscious for rest 3 days.
He was forced to admit a guilt. He detained at concentration camp for 4 years and 8 month, then he was released on November 8th, 2017. And from November 11, 2017 he were under strict house arrest for 1 year and 4 month.
Then suddenly on August 2019 Mr.Khaster Musakhanuly and Mr.Murager Alimuly were called to a local police department, and police made again a false claim that both of them were doing illegal fraud activities and jailed them for 24 hours, they were beaten and tortured with electrical shock tools on the mouths. And fined for 16 800 000 tenge(sixteen million eight hundred thousand) or 300 000 yuan(three hundred thousand of yuans), their bank accounts were frozen and their money were transferred to the police department. On September 28th, 2019 they again were called to the police department were they been told that they will be sent to a concentration camp. Knowing the threat to their lives both of them(Mr.Khaster Musakhanuly and Mr.Murager) had to illegally cross the Chinese-Kazakh border on October 1st, 2019.
According to international law, human rights law and to the Kazakh law of political asylum, we are asking international organizations to support and help them to receive a political asylum otherwise they will be sent back to China where they will be tortured and killed by Chinese authorities.




沙尔山别克 . 阿克拜尔,新疆特克斯县齐勒乌泽克乡巴喀勒牧业村人,中国身份证号 654127197401030836 ,是二级残疾人。全家已经移民哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图州,父母健在 80 多岁,两个儿子妻子全部是哈萨克斯坦公民,沙尔山别克 . 阿克拜尔持有哈萨克斯坦绿卡,...